Pregnancy Weight Gain-- By Becky Hand, Licensed and Registered Dietician

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Pregnancy Weight Gain

How Much Is Enough?

Wouldn't it be great if pregnancy happened when your weight was just right? For most it doesn't work out that way. So, for the rest of us, is offering this simple guide to weight gain during pregnancy.

During pregnancy it is important to "baby your baby and your body" with nourishing foods. You should not be feeling hungry much during your pregnancy. This is important because low weight gain during pregnancy can result in a low birth-weight infant. Low birth-weight infants have a greater risk of delayed development, disease development and mortality during the first few months of life.

Similarly, if you are overweight, this is NOT the time to crash diet and try to lose weight. Healthy weight gain is mandatory during your pregnancy, and prepares you for the strenuous demands of motherhood. It is also one of the indicators that your child is growing properly and getting the nutrition it needs.

Therefore, recommendations for healthy weight gain during pregnancy have been set based on your weight before you became pregnant.

Total Weight Gain General Guidelines

Body Type
Target Weight Gain
Underweight (BMI under 19.8)
28-40 Pounds
Normal weight (BMI 19.8 - 26.0)
25-35 Pounds
Overweight (BMI 26.0 - 29.0)
15-25 Pounds
Obese (BMI over 29.0)
15 Pounds